Get In Touch

Readings are conducted via phone call, video call, or in-person and will be recorded. For new clients, provide only your name and date of birth—no questions upfront. Samuel will deliver a comprehensive reading using the Rider-Waite Deck and Double Celtic Cross Spread, answering questions afterward. Future visits can skip directly to questions. Samuel uses a pendulum for yes/no questions and timing, guided by the cards. He does not sugarcoat information and prefers full readings over mini readings or 3 card draws, especially for new clients. Medical issues are addressed with a pendulum and clairvoyance.

Samuel G. Abrams offers personalized life coaching to help you achieve your spiritual and personal goals. If you wish to learn from him, contact Samuel via phone or email with your general location, areas of interest, and background, including what you have studied, how long, and the books you have read. This tailored approach ensures you receive the guidance and support needed to overcome obstacles and find your path to fulfillment.

(407) 457-0557